Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Holy Trinity: Cooking with Creole Seasoning

Yellow Onions, Green Bell Pepper, Celery, Green Onions, Parsley, Garlic...

You're probably thinking somewhere between "What is this I don't even..?" and "Well that means what to me?" Then again you may be looking at the ingredients above and think "Too long; didn't read."

Well fuck your shit, because pictured above is the best thing that's happened to my New Orleans home kitchen in a long time. Not since the advent of ceramic knives have I beheld such an asset, such a joy...such a time saver! This is the "Guidry's" brand of "creole seasoning" a conglomeration of the above ingredients, minced, and placed in a plastic bucket. This is not a paid advertisement, this is as real an account as I can give without sensationalizing.

The "Holy Trinity" of creole cooking involves Onions, Garlic, Parsley and Peppers, the "trinity" part is merely a namesake referring to the four points of the cross. Theological mentions aside, it isn't just for your damn gumbo.

...stupid, stupid gumbo...

Or at least not anymore. As you'll find, many of my recipes involve just such a seasoning. Now I know you're probably saying "Trinity? Seasoning? It's not a seasoning and there's more than three; why do I need this in my kitchen?" Well I'll ask you this: Who likes mincing this shit by hand? Oh, I didn't see any hands raised. I suppose you're going to have to look into this then. Because seriously, while prep is difficult, it doesn't have to be THAT difficult. You don't want to waste all your cooking time mincing this stuff the night you plan to use it. You'll be chopping lots and lots of onions which will inevitably make you cry like a damn 5-year-old girl and you really won't want to cook anymore after mincing all of the above together. A simpler way would be putting it into a food processor/blender for a light chop. But in either case, you want to keep a good amount of this stuff around for whenever the mood strikes you. Its a definite pinch-hitter for when you find yourself asking "Hmm...what can I add to this meal to make it not lame?"

I planned to make this one brief and as promised I shall; provided you promise to take a day out to find this stuff at your produce section or, if unavailable, make it and throw it in your fridge. The possibilities for this stuff are endless and beautiful. I literally find new uses for this stuff every day...I shit you not my fine readership.

So if ever you need to throw something different into your potato salad, or soup, or even your goddamn omelet (if you're a novice/bachelor) you can do a lot worse than using this simple little collection of minced goodness. Don't gamble on a mediocre meal, don't be a sissy. Try something new; try making and then using creole seasoning. Your food and your guests will thank you.

(Too long; Didn't read: use creole seasoning, its good shit!)

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